When we are babies neither our parents nor ourselves know how we will grow, if we will grow, and what path we shall walk. My parents would NEVER have thought that their baby girl would one day be a priest – Vicar if you are English.
Even my husband of 43 years says he got a shock when God thumped us both in the back and whispered ‘go and find my children one by one and lead them home’. My husband’s work is to support me and encourage me in my ministry; this he does fabulously. I had no idea how a vicar was formed but God did and pointed out the way and ‘shoved ‘ me forward.
This Sunday is Mothering Sunday. I shall be praying and leading service for us all; Mothers and Fathers, anyone who has raised and loved and encouraged another living being, those who have loved and lost and been heartbroken, those who desired a baby but pregnancy never happened, those who have nurtured Gods animals too.
Life begins at some point, and we need nurturing for the length of our lifetime. Only God can know who and what we indeed are in the beginning, the now, and the future. God is the creator, nurturer, and parent.
Join us next Sunday. I grew up and still don’t know how I became a priest.
Please note that St Mary’s AGM will be held after the service on Sunday 12th March 2023 at 11:15 am after coffee.