Snowdrop Saturday

10am – 4pm
Christmas Week

Saturday 21st December 3-4pm the interactive musical nativity. come along and get in the mood for the Christmas week ahead. festive refreshments await you.
The Season of Creation 24

The 1st of September to the 4th of October is officially the season of creation in the church calendar. St Mary’s celebrates creation all year round, paying particular attention to it during our harvest festival service. This year that will be on the 29th of September. The church building will be decorated with traditional fruits, […]
THE EVERY AGE SERVICE BEGINS – 3rd Sunday of each month 10 am

We chose not to call this new service a children’s service or even an ALL-AGE service; it is for all generations and inclusive of church traditions and new pathways to worship. This service will be more interactive than our usual Sunday service, young people alongside their friends and families will be taking their part in […]
The Light of Heaven: The Sacred Art of the Icon

This slide talk by Dr Andrew Paterson will be given at St Mary’s Episcopal Church in Birnam on Wednesday 27th March at 6pm for about an hour.
Happy New Year

Our Christmas Services were wonderful; if you go to our Facebook – the link is at the bottom of this page – you will see the ‘Wonkey Donkey’ excitement. Our Sunday service remains at the same time of 10 am; you can find details in the ‘services’ menu on the toolbar. The New Year brings […]
Santa Day

Three wise queens, one camel and a priestly donkey from St Mary’s went out and about in the biblical rain storm today. Over 200 people at the Santa Day in Dunkeld received chocolates , smiles, hugs, and invitations to our Christmas services. Thank you to our intrepid volunteers
Mothering Sunday

When we are babies neither our parents nor ourselves know how we will grow, if we will grow, and what path we shall walk. My parents would NEVER have thought that their baby girl would one day be a priest – Vicar if you are English. Even my husband of 43 years says he got […]
World Day for Prayer

March 3rd is WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The building will be open from 8:30 am – 6 pm; a short evening prayer service will be held in the small chapel at 5:30 pm We have placed prayer stations all around the inside of the church building. Feel free to visit and to rest and reflect […]
Holy Week, and Easter Services at St Mary’s

As there will not be an Ash Wednesday service this year, the imposition of Ashes will happen on Sunday 26th February during the communion distribution. 22nd February Lent begins. This year those who chose to do so can join in reading the gospel of John in 90 days. I know that is longer than lent! […]