St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church Birnam

St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church Birnam

St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church Birnam

Thank you to all who prayed and attended, volunteered, and prayed again. Our December plans all went very well and we had large congregations and participants at each event.  None of what is done could happen without a loving God and not without the volunteers and well-wishers.

Heads up this is our December …pray for us as we implement the plans and model God’s love for and in the community.

The first Thursday of the month is ‘All together Now’ with the talented Colleen Nicoll a free interactive musical event for everyone to enjoy – young and older. Refreshments too!!!

2nd December at 6:30 pm Festive Wreath Making will be happening on Friday the. Come and make your wreath. There will be all you need to make one, but if you want to bring extra adornments for yours and make a SUPER cool one please do( last year there were lights!!). Hot drinks are provided, but bring your tipple if you fancy being more festive!! – to share obviously!

4th December at 9:50 am The 1st Sunday of the month is ‘music Sunday’ at St Mary’s. Visiting professional musicians come along and enhance our worship with a varied program before the service begins at 10 am; Colleen Nicoll will sing arias by Bach accompanied by flute and cello. During the receiving of the Eucharist (bread and wine at the altar), the music will be the original version of ‘Panis Angelicus’ for the flute and cello.  All are welcome to join us, there is no requirement to ‘do’ what we do, just ‘be’ and enjoy the welcome and the beauty ( and the refreshments after).

On a couple of Saturdays TBA during December, you might see a motley crew of wise men/women, an angel or two, a camel ( Humphrey thinks he is a real camel), Mary and Joseph, a few shepherds, and a star. This fine group!!!!! It will be from St Mary’s. They will have sweets and chocolates to give away and will be stopping in a few places to sing a few carols and tell the story of Jesus’ birth. Any budding Nativity characters who wish to join us please get in touch with Re’ Lesley-ann, or just join in on the day.
11th December 4 pm A beautiful Taize service in candlelight, will help us to reflect on Advent and prepare us for Christmas. Led by Rev William Hogg.

23rd December at 4 pm Another shout out for our Messy Nativity on Friday (when you don’t know what to do with the children’s energy) come and dress up, sing carols, listen to the interactive nativity story, and help to put the Nativity figures in the stable, make biscuit stables (Baby Jesus is a jelly baby !!!) wave a glow stick and get ready for a lovely Christmas. You can bring friends and the whole family;  including any well-behaved dogs. It will last about an hour COME ALONG and Ding dong merrily!!!!!



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St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church Birnam

Christmas Week

Saturday 21st December 3-4pm the interactive musical nativity. come along and get in the mood for the Christmas week ahead. festive refreshments await you.

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Happy New Year

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