St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church Birnam

St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church Birnam

Holy Week, and Easter Services at St Mary’s

St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church Birnam

As there will not be an Ash Wednesday service this year, the imposition of Ashes will happen on Sunday 26th February during the communion distribution.

22nd February Lent begins. This year those who chose to do so can join in reading the gospel of John in 90 days. I know that is longer than lent! But add in the Easter season and it takes 90 days. You will find a reading plan in the entrance hall. I thoroughly recommend it, and if anyone would enjoy discussing what they read we can get together over a coffee at the rectory; contact me.

2nd of April Holy Week begins with the Palm Sunday Service at 10 am

4th   April 2 pm Concert, Pergolesi stabat mater – The Stabat Mater is one of Pergolesi’s most celebrated sacred works please come along to enjoy it. Contact Organist Mr. John walker (01350 727755)  for further information.

On 6th April I hope to have a Maundy Thursday Passover supper (nothing grand) with foot washing for those brave enough to offer me a foot to wash. 6 pm for a 6:30 pm meal. A sign-up for the supper list will be passed around during coffee times.

7th April Good Friday noon. walk of witness. Last year I carried the cross alone around Birnam and Dunkled, it would be a delight if anyone would like to join me this year for all or part of the walk. 7 pm there will be a joint service at St Mary’s. A quiet reflective time.

The 8th of April Holy Saturday is the day to hand out sweets and invitations to the Easter service. Last year those of us who went out into the streets had such a lovely morning. Please consider joining me. 10:30 am – 11:30 am 

9th April EASTER DAY = HALLELUJA!!!!! The usual service time of 10 am, bring your best bonnet J and celebrate the good news with us all.



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