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Snowdrop Saturday
10am – 4pm

Christmas Week
Saturday 21st December 3-4pm the interactive musical nativity. come along and get in the mood for the Christmas week ahead. festive refreshments await you.

The Season of Creation 24
The 1st of September to the 4th of October is officially the season of creation in the church calendar. St Mary’s celebrates creation all year

THE EVERY AGE SERVICE BEGINS – 3rd Sunday of each month 10 am
We chose not to call this new service a children’s service or even an ALL-AGE service; it is for all generations and inclusive of church

The Light of Heaven: The Sacred Art of the Icon
This slide talk by Dr Andrew Paterson will be given at St Mary’s Episcopal Church in Birnam on Wednesday 27th March at 6pm for about an hour.

Happy New Year
Our Christmas Services were wonderful; if you go to our Facebook – the link is at the bottom of this page – you will see

Santa Day
Three wise queens, one camel and a priestly donkey from St Mary’s went out and about in the biblical rain storm today. Over 200 people

Mothering Sunday
When we are babies neither our parents nor ourselves know how we will grow, if we will grow, and what path we shall walk. My

World Day for Prayer
March 3rd is WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The building will be open from 8:30 am – 6 pm; a short evening prayer service will be