Everybody is always very welcome to our services and special events.
This is where we’ll post news of up coming plans. For details of regular services and times please see below.

Our weekly schedule of services and events
Feel free to reach out to us if you need any help. All our contact details are below.
Sunday and other days.
10.00 Service of Holy Communion – All are welcome; refreshments after.
Evening prayer: Friday and Saturday 5:30pm
Morning prayer: Saturday and Sunday 9:15am
1st Thursday of each month All together now (see news post) 2pm – 3pm with refreshments
3rd Sunday of each month we have our new Every Age Service : An interactive contemporary service with the eucharist at the end AND CAKES.
last Sunday of the month Simple and beautiful short said healing service: 6:30pm.
‘Chat n learn’ Saturday afternoons 3:30-5pm
Including light refreshments, this is a small informal gathering in the rectory which is behind the church building, we enjoy discussing the bible! (well, what else), and having fun doing so. You are welcome to join us. Contact details below if you’d like more information.
Healing Service Every last Sunday at 6:30pm
Holy Week and Easter
Palm Sunday 10 am.
Wednesday of Holy week: 6pm A slide talk on Icons by Dr Andrew Paterson
Maundy Thursday: 6pm An AGAPE meal donations towards ‘All Together Now’ a free monthly dementia friendly concert
Good Friday: 12 noon a walk of witness carrying the cross around the tree churches beginning at St Columba Catholic church; 2-3 pm the quiet hour of reflection on the cross at St Mary’s: 7 pm ecumenical service at Dunkeld Cathedral
Holy Saturday: look out for the chocolate sqaud , in town at 11 am.
Easter Sunday: A family service of wonder, easter egg hunts and a suprise ending . why not make or wear your Easter Bonnet!!!
Rev Lesley-ann and the entire church family are looking forward to seeing you there.